Homepage for Research Budget in the past of Yuko Nagamine
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research in the past
Challenging Exploratory Research (1st, April, 2013 - 31st, March, 2016)
Program titleFModelization for Ag and Sb Spatiotemporal Patterns Formed by Propagating Phase Separation under the Nonequilibrium System
Research Results
23th, July, 2022 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (Elsevier), published
"Numerical analysis of phase separation between conductive and insulative materials induced under constant current mode using the extended Cahn-Hilliard equation"
Yuko Nagamine (National Institute of Technology, Ube College), Physica A, 604, 127925 (2022).
11th, June, 2013 International Conference: Engineering of Chemical Complexity (Warnemünde, Germany)
Poster presentation
"Phase-separation between conductive and insulative materials under the static electric field: Modeling for Ag and Sb spatiotemporal patterns on the electrode surface"
Yuko Nagamine (Yamaguchi University)
29th, August, 2013 The 2nd German-Japanese Workshop on "Nonlinear Sciences and KANSEI-Informatics" (Yamaguchi-shi Yudaonsen, Japan)
Poster presentation
"Phase-separation between conductive and insulative materials under the static electric field: Modeling for Ag and Sb spatiotemporal patterns on the electrode surface"
Yuko Nagamine (Yamaguchi University)
9th, September, 2014 The Physical Society of Japan: 2014 Autumn Meeting (Chubu University, Japan)
Oral presentation
"Modeling for Ag and Sb Spatiotemporal Patterns on the Electrode Surface: Comparison between Phase-Separation Behaviors in the Mixed Systems Including Conductive and Insulative Materials under the Constant Current and Voltage Modes"
Yuko Nagamine (National Institute of Technology, Ube College)
22th, March, 2015 The Physical Society of Japan: 70th Annual Meeting (Waseda University, Japan)
Oral presentation
"Modeling for Ag and Sb Spatiotemporal Patterns on the Electrode Surface: Characteristics of Phase-Separation Behavior in the Mixed Systems Including Conductive and Insulative Materials under the Constant Current Mode"
Yuko Nagamine (National Institute of Technology, Ube College)
21th, August, 2015 SFS2015: International Symposium on Fluctuation and Structure out of Equilibrium 2015 (Kyoto University, Japan)
"Characteristic of Phase-Separation between Conductive and Insulative Materials under the Constant Current Mode: Modeling for Ag and Sb Spatiotemporal Patterns on the Electrode Surface"
Yuko Nagamine (National Institute of Technology, Ube College)
25th and 26th, March, 2016 An Interdisciplinary Workshop between Nonlinear Science and The Study of Time (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
"Simulation for Phase Separation between Conductive and Insulative Materials under the Constant Current Mode: Dependence on Parameters"
Yuko Nagamine (National Institute of Technology, Ube College)
14th, July, 2016 Physical Review E (American Physical Society), published
"Phase-separation between conductive and insulative materials induced by the electric field"
Yuko Nagamine (National Institute of Technology, Ube College), Phys. Rev. E 94, 010203(R) (2016).
27th, September, 2016 International Workshop: Symposium on Nonlinear Sciences ~The History for 30 Years and Vision for The Future (AIST, Japan)
"Comparison between numerical simulation for phase-separation of conductive and insulative materials under the electric field and Ag and Sb spatiotemporal patterns on the electrode surface"
Yuko Nagamine (National Institute of Technology, Ube College)
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