科目コード 科      目      名 学年 単位・時間 科目区分 授業形態 学修単位
3021 イングリシュコミニュケーション T:English Communication T   1MESC 1 ・ 50分  履修 講義・通年 -
教 員 名  エドワード ・ ナットン : Edward Nutton.
授業概要 The underlying philosophy of this course will be to introduce English conversation as a rewarding, meaningful and effective means of communication. It will also endeavour to acquaint the students with some knowledge of English culture and the differing at
到 達 目 標 評 価 方 法
Students who participate in this course will be able to take advantage of a variety of activities, all designed to introduce them to the world's most major language for international communication. They will learn comprehensive listening, speaking and rea Students will be evaluated according to their homework and other assignments (40%) and term exams (mid-term:30%, end-term:30%).
学習・教育目標 (G) JABEE基準1(1)  
授      業      計      画 項    目 内      容 授      業      計      画 項    目 内      容
  Introductions and Orientation. Course instructions and getting to know each other.   Computer dating. Likes/Dislikes.
第1 第16
  Greeting's vocabulary. Polite and useful greeting's phrases.   A scene from a movie. Want/Need/Love.
第2 第17
  Excuse me! Where are you from? Countries, cities and nationalities.   Everyday. Habits.
第3 第18
  What's your name? What's your job? Personal information and jobs.   A questionnaire. Adverbs of frequency.
第4 第19
  There's a nice apartment. There is/There are/Prepositions.   Vacations. There was/There were.
第5 第20
  An American restaurant. Making requests.   At the hotel. Vocabulary used at an international hotel.
第6 第21
  My dad can do everything! Abilities.   Return from space. Had/Have.
第7 第22
  Summary. Midterm test for summarization.   Summary. Midterm test for summarization.
第8 第23
  At customs. How much/How many?   In the office. Verb tenses.
第9 第24
  Can you help me? "ing verbs."   Survivors. Quantities.
第10 第25
  What's on TV tonight? Telling the time.   Questions and Answers. An English television quiz.
第11 第26
  In prison. Future plans.   Pictures from the past. Could/When as connector.
第12 第27
  Questions and Answers. An English quiz.   Telephoning. Using the telephone.
第13 第28
  A wedding. Cultural aspects.   On the moon. Going to do/Doing/Done.
第14 第29
  Summary. General review and summarization.   Course Summarization. General review and summarization, plus student (evaluation) questionnaire.
第15 第30
教 科 書 Course text: "NEW AMERICAN STREAMLINE DEPARTURES." Oxford University Press. Bernard Hartley and Peter Viney.
参 考 書  
授業評価・理解度 最終回に授業評価アンケートを行う。
副担当教員 南 優次
備  考 It is essential that all students bring dictionaries to class.